Here’s What to Wear in European Climbing Gyms

For two months in the summer of 2023, I backpacked across a bit of Europe. Although I was determined to spend as little money as possible, European climbing gyms were included in my budget. I climbed in Italy, Germany, Switzerland, Austria, and the Czech Republic.

As I was packing for my trip, I tried to Google “what do people wear in European climbing gyms”. I couldn’t find anything on the topic! So I decided that once I discovered what people wear I would share it with all of you.

All Countries Have the Same Dress Code

Pretty much. Due to the cohesive nature of European countries, climbing gyms across the board were similar in a lot of ways.

While it’s true that most people don’t wear athleisure when going out, the dress code for a climbing gym seems pretty similar to America. Women wore sports bras, t-shirts, and athletic shorts or leggings. You’ll be fine wearing just a sports bra and tight workout shorts, if that’s what you’re comfortable with.

While rock climbing in Germany, I saw no women wearing just a sports bra. Every single female-presenting person was wearing a tank top or t-shirt while climbing indoors. If you are nervous about feeling out of place, a tank top and leggings or workout shorts works great.

climbing gym italy
climbing gym switzerland
climbing gym austria

Surprisingly, there were more men going shirtless in the gym than I am used to in the United States. Most climbing gyms in the US require that men keep their shirts on (for hygiene purposes). Even in gyms that don’t require that you keep your shirt on, American culture seems to be that most men don’t want to show their bodies too much while climbing. (Keep in mind that I’ve been to climbing gyms in Texas, California, and Kansas.) Alternatively, most of the men at the gym in Italy were without shirts. I’m guessing that one of the reasons is because of the lack of air conditioning in most buildings.

Of course, you can also dress as modestly as you’d like. However, keep in mind that most European climbing gyms will not have air conditioning (almost every American climbing center will be air conditioned).

In Short:

Honestly, you can wear whatever you’d like. Most cities that are large enough to have a climbing gym will also be used to people wearing any sport of athleisure in the climbing gyms. Women tend to cover their midriffs (unless they are part of a professional/international climbing team), but the Olympics has made it so that sports bras and workout shorts are very normal to wear as well. Women also wear a variety of bottoms, from tight workout shorts to sweatpants.

Men tend to wear t-shirts and shorts, but often go shirtless while climbing. Again – when in doubt, see what international climbers wear or what is worn at competition, and you will be more than fine.

ALSO: If you want to shower at the gym, you will often need to bring your own towel. Many European climbing gyms have showers, but unlike the United States – they won’t provide towels.

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