When trying your best to travel light, sticking to a specific set of packing light tips will go a long way.
Believe it or not, but you can travel for 6 months with the same amount of clothing as you pack for a single week. As long as you have a reliable laundry plan, you really only need to follow the 1-2-3-4-5-6 packing rule. This rule includes packing a hat, shoes, bottoms, tops, socks and underwear. Trust the plan and you’ll quickly realize you really don’t need much more than that to travel the world.
On a 5-week trip backpacking Europe, I packed minimally, but I didn’t follow this packing rule. After 2 weeks, I decided to send an entire package of clothing home because it turned out I didn’t need any more than 4 tops for my entire trip. As long as I was able to clean my clothes along the way, it worked out fantastically.

1 Hat
You really only need one hat for every adventure. Once you find that hat, everything else in your closet will become the second choice. Depending on the weather, this hat will be used for sun protection or to keep your head and ears warm (or both). The three most common hat choices for this packing strategy are a ballcap (dad hat), a beanie (toque), or a sun hat.
Keep in mind that you’ll want a hat that can pack tightly into luggage or be strapped to the outside of a pack. This hat must fit you comfortably, because it’s the only hat you’ll have for your entire adventure.
2 Pairs of Shoes
Two pairs of shoes. That’s more than enough for some people, and the perfect amount for most. Usually, people choose one pair of functional adventure shoes, like tennis shoes or hiking boots. The second pair tends to be a pair of sandals or dressy shoes. You’ll find that when you travel, you want to be comfortable with all the walking involved. Pick your favorite pair – the pair you end up reaching for every day – and that’s what you will be wearing most often during your trip. Knowing the two pairs you are going to bring with, you can then decide on the rest of your outfits.

3 Bottoms
Thinking about any adventure or trip you might go on, you realistically only need 3 bottoms. I recommend a pair of jeans being one of them. While jeans are thicker and take up a lot of space in a bag, they also are very wearable. Jeans can be worn for many days before they need to be washed, and they go well with pretty much any outfit.
Using these 1-2-3-4-5-6 packing light tips along with weather considerations, choose your last two bottoms carefully. If you are going somewhere hot and dry, you might want a pair of shorts and something lightweight that will protect your legs from the sun. If you’re going to a colder area, you’ll be safer with thick pants and maybe even waterproof pants, depending on your choice of activities.
To spend a summer in Europe, for example, you can’t go wrong with a pair of jeans, a pair of shorts (it gets hot, especially in the south), and a lightweight skirt or sweat-wicking material pants for everyday adventures.
4 Tops
When packing your tops, think functionality and simplicity. You want shirts that will work with any occasion and will be appropriate in any setting. Packing one shirt, each of a different sleeve length, is a safe bet. One tank top, one t-shirt, one long-sleeved shirt, and one pullover will leave you covering all temperatures you might encounter on your journey.
Remember to base your decisions on the expected climate and weather of where you are traveling to. If you can, read about what other travelers have worn during their visit to that country or region. Pack your favorite tops – the ones you know you feel confident in and will be comfortable wearing multiple times each week.

5 Pairs of Socks
Socks, unlike jeans – should not be worn two days in a row. It’s important to wear clean, dry sock and change them every day. You need to keep your feet clean and healthy – especially when traveling. That is why packing 5 pairs of socks is wise. Expert hikers even bring two pairs of socks on a day hike, because having a backup pair is never a bad idea. Don’t forget to bring along a laundry bag to keep your dirty laundry separate from the clean clothing in your bag.
6 Pairs of Underwear
No one will disagree that you must wear clean underwear each and every day. Having six pairs of underwear ensures that you will do laundry at least once each week. No matter how long your trip is going to be, limit yourself to no more than one week’s worth of clothing. You can find laundry options on the road or bring along a backpacker’s laundry kit (see The Best Backpacking Pack List for lightweight laundry gear that you can use anywhere). Women would additionally want to pack 6 bras, of course.
Beyond this packing light tips list, you can customize your packing list as you would like. Depending on the area you plan to visit, you may want to pack a bathing suit, rain jacket, gloves, etc.
It feels liberating to be able to travel around carrying nothing more than a backpack. You don’t have to worry about lugging your baggage around airports or on the train, and it’s easy to locate everything you need when it all fits into one single bag. Try out this packing method the next time you go on an adventure – whether it’s for 3 months or just the weekend!