9 Great Self Care Activities to do Indoors

Self care activities need to be changed up once in a while, even if you have a great daily routine. Sometimes, self care comes naturally for us. Other times, it takes some work to make sure you are getting the chance to recover from the stressors of life. Here are 9 self care activities that you can do on a rainy day or whenever you want to stay indoors.

This post is a continuation of How to Have the Perfect Self Care Sunday from September 20, 2023.

Call a friend or family member. It can be surprising how much talking to a friend can do for your mental health. Interacting with somebody that we care about, and knowing that they also care about us, could be just the pick-me-up you need. You can also pick a person that you haven’t spoken to in a while and send them a friendly text. It gets hard to maintain relationships as an adult, but a little text can go a long way.

Take a bath or hot shower. We all know how good a warm shower or hot bath can feel. It creates a peaceful environment where it is easier to relax. The warmth of the water physically relaxes your muscles and can relieve aches and pains temporarily. Alternatively, you can take a cold shower. While they don’t feel great at the moment, cold showers can provide quite a boost. They can also lower your stress levels and boost your immunity to illness.

Watch a happy movie or your favorite TV show. Specifically, try watching an old favorite. There’s something about rewatching a favorite TV show or movie that makes us feel at home. It brings back good memories and feelings of belonging. If you can’t rewatch a favorite, pick something from the same genre or by the same director. There’s no risk of getting bored, and you still might get a feeling of familiarity from the show or movie.

Meditate. The term “meditation” comes with a stigma that needs to be broken down. In simple terms, meditation is any practice in which someone uses a technique to become more calm and mentally clear. Meditation comes in many different forms. You can meditate with breathwork, mindfulness, movement, and more. It all depends on what you need at that time. You may want to focus on a specific area of your life to meditate on, like your relationships or spiritual health. If there is no specific topic or goal that comes to mind, try repetitive, or focused, meditation.

Draw, paint, and make some art. The effect making art has on the mind is very interesting. Many studies have shown that art can be used to relieve stress and encourage positive mental health. The most obvious benefit of making art is that it gets you out of your typical thought processes. Drawing, painting, sculpting – any creative activity – is both physically and mentally engaging. As a result, it takes your attention away from everyday concerns and gives you some time and space to breathe.

Play your favorite video game. Playing video games has a similar effect to two other self care activities: watching a familiar TV show or making art. It distracts you and helps you deal with stress by providing a safe place to escape. Since video games require you to respond to whatever is happening on screen, they are often more stimulating than television. Most games require you to participate in getting through obstacles, which boosts your problem-solving skills outside of gaming as well. It’s becoming increasingly easy to find friends who share your interest in gaming, so it’s also a potential way to make new friends and combat loneliness.

Reset your home decor. Redecorating or rearranging your home space is one of those activities that makes you feel productive, even if it’s not the highest-priority item on your to-do list. Starting with decluttering and finishing off with some new decor, you’re creating a space that feels refreshing and new. Creating a clean and comfortable environment can promote those same feelings within yourself. It doesn’t even take that much effort to get positive results – even a simple rearrangement of pillows can make an entire room feel brand-new.

Journal. You can use journaling like meditation – in a variety of different ways. You can use a journal to track your goals and progress, or simply record your thoughts throughout the week. Both aid you in feeling a sense of achievement and confidence. If you are having trouble making a tough decision, or are stuck in a conflict with another person, journaling can help you think critically about the situation. Once-overwhelming emotions can suddenly become small once you’ve put them on paper.

Dance. You may hate dancing in public, but give it another try when you’re alone at home. Dancing at home gives you the chance to truly explore what there is to enjoy about moving your body. You are the only one in control of your body, and there is no one else in the world who can stop you from dancing to your heart’s content. Moving your body consistently can improve your physical health as well – even if you’re just grooving around the living room. Forget about your worries, and take some time to just dance.