20 Free Self-Care Ideas For When You Need To Reset

I can think of a million self-care ideas, but most of them are pricey. What if you need to stick to a budget? Treating yourself to some boba or getting a massage is awesome, but there are absolutely more affordable ways to take care of yourself. This list of free self-care ideas is just the tip of the iceberg. Enjoy!

Actionable Steps

self-care actionable steps

The following list includes some ways that you can make progress while also actively working on your self-care.

  • Do something that is actually restful to you. Pick an activity that leaves you with more energy than before. Some examples that may work for you could be taking a nap, working out, lighting a candle, or playing an instrument.
  • Make a list of your main life categories (Mental Health, Physical Health, Finances, Career/Education, Hobbies, and Relationships). Do a self-analysis and figure out if there’s anything you want to work on. Setting goals can be refreshing and motivating.
  • Pick one thing on your to-do list and get it done! That way, it won’t take up space in your brain anymore.
  • Pick a topic that you’ve been interested in learning about, go online, and spend some time researching! It can be fun to learn new things and better yourself as a human. Take notes for two reasons: First, you are more likely to remember what you learned when you write it down. Second, it’s physical evidence of something achieved.
  • Use a calendar or a planner to schedule some “me time” into your week.

Spread the Love

self-care loving others

If you want joy, give it! One of the best ways to make yourself happy is by making someone else’s day first. It may feel self-serving – but that’s just a beautiful part of how humans work! We feel good when the people around us feel good, too. Here’s a few ways to share the love:

  • Call a friend or a family member. Catch up on life, or if you only have a few minutes – just tell them that you’re thinking of them and that you care about them! It feels good to feel cared about.
  • Compliment a stranger (or someone you don’t talk to often). It can be scary at first, but it gets easier and easier to compliment random people as you go. Not only does complimenting others get you looking for the positive, but it helps to keep you in the present moment as well.
  • Reach out to someone you haven’t seen for a while. Everyone has that person that you keep thinking about, but never reach out. Just do it – set up a call or hangout and reconnect!
  • Perform an anonymous act of kindness. Leave a kind note somewhere or a snack on your coworker’s desk. This is especially nice if you’re the kind of person that feels awkward being in the center of attention.
  • Write a note or a short letter letting someone know why they’re important to you. Handmade notes and letters reflect your willingness to put in a lot of effort just to show appreciation.

Reset Your Living Space

self-care living space reset

Creating a living space that lessens stress is incredibly important. Your home is more impactful on your mental health than you might realize! Maintaining a well-organized home can make you feel more relaxed and happier – especially when it suits your and your needs well. When you have a welcoming home to return to, it’s easier to find peace when you need it as well. Here are self-care ideas to help you cultivate that space:

  • Clear out your closet. Whatever that means to you – from creating a capsule wardrobe or getting rid of a few items that just don’t work – it can feel good to lessen the bulk of your items.
  • Choose a space in your home dedicated to your relaxation. It can be a small corner filled with pillows, your desk area, or an entire room. When you only use that space for mindfulness, it creates a brain-body connection that will make relaxing easier in the long run.
  • Organize your desk. A well-known ideal for desks is optimized focus. You can organize your desk in a way that minimizes distraction! This is a really simple way to feel refreshed in your everyday routine.
  • Set up a vision board! Fill it up with all of your goals and inspirations. That way, you can use it to motivate yourself and keep your goals at the forefront of your mind.
  • Set aside some time for basic decluttering. It could also be a good idea to develop a weekly/biweekly routine to maintain the organization of your home.

Journal/Meditation Prompts

self-care journal prompts

Here are my favorite mindfulness prompts. Test them out and see what works:

  • The 54321 Reflection for the end of your day: 5 things on your mind, 4 things you’re doing tomorrow, 3 things you’re grateful for, 2 things you want to minimize in your life, and 1 feel-good moment that happened today.
  • What’s one limiting belief that you have been struggling with recently?
  • What do you want your life to look like 3 years from now? What is one small step you can take today to get there?
  • Make a list of 15 things you are really good at.
  • Write about absolutely anything that you can’t stop thinking about. Get it out of your mind and onto paper, and you’ll finally have some brain space back to process.

Spend Your Time Outside

self-care spend time outside

Being outside is an important tool in anyone’s self-care arsenal. It brings us to the present moment and away from lingering negative thoughts. It can reframe our anxieties by reducing our self-importance and giving us time to think! Use these free self-care ideas to maximize your time outside.

  • Take yourself on a walk – either enjoying the sounds of the outdoors or with headphones and your favorite music on.
  • Plan a picnic. All you need is a blanket, snacks, and a park to enjoy a calming day people watching and catching up with your friends.
  • Drive to a spot where you can see the stars or the moon, get cozy, and let your mind wander.
  • Go birding (birdwatching).
  • Bring a set of art supplies with you and find something beautiful to be inspired by.

Read More:

To learn more about what self-care is, check out Everyday Health!