10 More Fantastic Podcasts for Those Who Get Bored Easily

Every season is podcast season, my friends. We all listen to podcasts for one of 3 reasons: to learn, to be entertained, or to just have something playing in the background. If you find yourself wanting for some auditory stimulation (and you don’t want to listen to music) then podcasts are the way to go! Read on to learn about 10 fantastic podcasts as of 2023.

Personally, I put podcasts and audiobooks in the same category. You’re listening to spoken word in order to be entertained or educated – it’s the same. Of course, podcasts are often uploaded episodically, and therefore have unlimited potential. Audiobooks are, in my opinion, a more convenient way to absorb valuable information without needing to sit down and focus on reading a book. However, I will remind you that people retain information to a higher degree when reading rather than listening. In addition, reading is faster than listening. A 20-hour audiobook may just take you 13 hours to read (but you won’t be able to multitask). If you’re really trying to retain the information, reading would be better. Okay, fun detour – let’s get back to podcasts!

9 months ago, I posted a blog post, 10 Awesome Podcasts For Those Who Are Easily Bored. It contained my absolute favorite podcasts in the world and I still listen to many of them to this day. I also know how difficult it is to find new fantastic podcasts that are actually worth your time. Over the past year, I’ve found 10 more amazing podcasts that I really truly enjoy, and I’m excited to share! There’s a little bit of everything below, including comedy, self-help, and educational material. Let’s dig in.

1. Let’s Learn Everything! (Educational/Comedy)

Let’s Learn Everything! is hosted by three hilarious friends who are dedicated to learning about anything and everything science-related. Ella, Tom, and Caroline take turns covering a diverse set of topics that would be interesting even to those who know nothing about science (topics include Mitochondrial Eve, Telephone Music, and Can Fish Drown). I enjoy learning about the world through their eyes; they always talk about the world with childlike wonderment. When the world is dragging you down, pick yourself up by listening to a scientific analysis of Emojis.

2. Unfiltered Adventures (Travel)

Giselle and Stephen share the reality of traveling the world as a couple. They run a travel Instagram account (@theloverspassport) and their main goal is to help you plan your next adventure! They share travel tips, itineraries, and wanderlust-worthy content on their blog. As someone who dreams to travel like they do, it’s inspiring to listen to the inside scoop on their travel experiences. They share the realities of travel and how they made a business out of their adventures.

3. TED Talks Daily (Educational)

TED Talks Daily takes the latest TED Talks and puts them into an audio format. Journalist and Host Elise Hu curates a diverse collection of TED Talks – you never know what might be next! I appreciate that I can bring some variety into my weekly podcast menu without having to search for a new podcast to do so. TED is also very well known for well-developed and trustworthy content, so there’s no risking quality at all.

4. My Brother, My Brother And Me (Comedy)

MBMBaM (pronounced ma-BIM-bam) is yet another creation of the McElroy brothers that is somehow incredibly wholesome yet also contains adult humor all throughout. It’s an advice podcast where you will almost never get advice that is actually helpful in any way. I first found out about the McElroy family on another podcast of theirs, The Adventure Zone, which I mentioned on last year’s podcast post. You won’t gain much valuable information by listening to MBMBaM, but if you want to laugh, it’s hard to find funnier brothers on the internet.

5. Freakonomics Radio (Science/Economics)

If you can’t tell by now, I love fantastic podcasts that let me learn a little bit about everything. Freakonomics Radio, hosted by Stephen J. Dubner, is another top-tier show that does just that. If you’ve ever been up in the middle of the night with an out-of-the-blue question about the meaning of life, Freakonomics Radio just might answer that question. Topics include How to Return Stolen Art and “Insurance is Sexy”. Discuss..

6. Myths and Legends (History/Books)

It’s amazing how myths and legends are both historically relevant and also entertaining stories about the craziest things humankind has ever imagined. Jason and Carissa retell these stories, focusing on the original tales rather than Disney’s interpretation. If you enjoy anything about mythical creatures or ancient gods, this podcast is a great way to expand your knowledge.

7. The Freelance Friday Podcast (Careers/Marketing)

This podcast is only going to be interesting to the specific few that want to learn more about freelancing and supporting yourself by working for multiple companies at different times rather than working for just one company, full-time. As a freelancer, Latasha has an insider perspective on how to succeed and grow in this type of business.

8. The Psychology of your 20’s (Self-help)

This podcast is perfect for anyone who wants to be intentional about their mental health. There is psychology in everything, says the host. I’m around the same age as Jemma Sbag, host of The Psychology of your 20’s, and there’s something so encouraging and empowering about a woman similar to me creating such a positive and successful podcast all on her own. It’s truly awesome. Still in her 20s, Jemma shares wisdom and psychology tips that most people in their 40s and older haven’t even realized yet.

9. Women Who Travel (Travel)

This podcast is for anyone who wants to learn about traveling the world. It provides unique perspectives from women who have gone on unbelievable adventures and done amazing things. Host Lale Arikoglu focuses on the experiences of women, and I find that I often end up imagining myself into their incredible stories.

10. The GaryVee Audio Experience (Business)

Of all the fantastic podcasts I have on this list, The GaryVee Audio Experience is my most recent find. Gary Vaynerchuck is a entrepreneur and public speaker, and I enjoy hearing what his perspective is on business, technology, content creation, and our future as humans in this world. You may agree or disagree with the things he has to say, but it sure is interesting to hear to him speak.